Spiritual Gardening: Dowsing & Agriculture

Past event
Mar 5, 2017, 11 AM to 3 PM

Spiritual Gardening: Dowsing & Agriculture Class
Where : Earthwise Farm & Forest
When: 11 am - 3 pm
About: Dowsing is the search for information by means of a hand-held instrument and faculties beyond the 5 physical senses. This workshop will cover how dowsing works, and will introduce you to some commonly used dowsing tools. With the use of some common dowsing tools, participants will come away with an understanding of the limitless potential of dowsing and the spiritual approaches to farming, gardening, and working with animals. For more information, you can go to www.earthwisefarmandforest.com/dowsing-and-agriculture
Registration Fee: $45 per person or $80 for 2 people
Pre-registration Encouraged - space is limited. Contact Lisa McCrory, Lmccrory560@gmail.com or call 802-234-5524

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