Poetry Workshop

Past event
Dec 4, 2013, 3:30 to 5:30 PM

Do You Haiku?
What is it about those little 17 syllable poems that people all over the world make such a big deal about? Did you know that haiku were first written as a poem of one line, not three lines? In this two-hour workshop, learn about the history of Haiku, some of the many rules that govern them, and the controversy surrounding the number of syllables in Haiku written in English. There will be time in the workshop to create your own. For novice and experienced writers.
Wednesday, December 4, 3:30 – 5:30. $20 per person. Workshop limited to five participants. Location: Sundog Poetry Retreat, LLC on Route 109, one mile from Jeffersonville. For registration and directions, email sundogpoetry@gmail.com. Workshop leader, Tamra Higgins, M.Ed, MFA, is a teacher with 19 years experience, a published poet, and President of the Poetry Society of Vermont.

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