Reading (and Writing) Robert Frost
What made Vermont’s first Poet Laureate such an extraordinary poet? What are some of the techniques he used to write such timeless poems? What can we take away from his poems to make our own writing richer? In this two-hour workshop, we’ll read some of Frosts’ famous poems together and discover new ones that you might not believe he wrote. Learn what Frost thought about poetry, and let him inspire your own work. For novice and experienced writers.
Tuesday, December 3, 3:30 – 5:30. $20 per person. Workshop limited to five participants. Location: Sundog Poetry Retreat, LLC on Route 109, one mile from Jeffersonville. For registration and directions, email Workshop leader, Tamra Higgins, M.Ed, MFA, is a teacher with 19 years experience, a published poet, and President of the Poetry Society of Vermont.