THREE LIVE STREAM SESSIONS ARE OFFERED AT CATAMOUNT ARTS OF BRACO'S HEALING TRANSMISSIONS. 3:00 - 3:30 PM, 4:00 - 4:30 PM AND 5:00 - 5:45 PM. EACH SESSION INCLUDES A 15 MINUTE INTRODUCTION FROM THE LIVE STREAM TEAM, A SHORT VIDEO CLIP OF THE PROFOUND EFFECT THAT REACHES THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME. (There were 4,529 people on-line from 77 countries during a session two weeks ago.) The effect of thousands of people taking five minutes to tune in to this healing frequency that is freely offered has a positive healing resonance.) If you are so moved, please join one or all of the On-Line Live-Stream Sessions. If you are not able to come to Catamount Arts, 115 Eastern Ave. St. Johnsbury, VT, take in a session if you are so drawn to do so via computer or phone. Go to Click on LIve Stream and when you get to the Live Stream page, click on Live Stream again. Note: ( I believe that the 2 or 3 PM session is offered by Dr. Vladmir Grudin, Croatia's leading psychotherapist and researcher. This is always one of my favorite Introductions. Home Page is www.Braco.met Visit video testimonials when you get a chance. It is awe inspiring to partake of this new paradigm which does not rely on the spoken word but on the integrity of Pure Being. Enjoy! 802-748-9545