The March Goes On---Come Sing!
Event: Saturday, Feb 18, 2017, 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Please join us at the Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society church(off of Water St., near MUHS) to learn and sing the march/anthem, "I Can't Keep Quiet" that went viral at the Women's March in D.C. Lucy Tenenbaum, Kate Gridley, Heidi Willis, Ali Gibson, Sarit Katzew and others will be helping to teach. The artist, MILCK, has offered free downloads at The workshop is free but a suggested donation of $10 or more will be greatly appreciated; all proceeds will go to benefit WomenSafe. We will also sing other protest songs and enjoy refreshments and conversation at the end! All are welcome; please RSVP Thank you!