Hinesburg Development Review Board Meeting Agenda
Town Office – Lower Level Conference Room
7:30PM - Tuesday, February 21, 2017
1. Agenda Changes
2. Review minutes of the February 7, 2017 meeting
3. Theresa D. Giroux Revocable Trust: Sketch Plan Review for a 2-lot subdivision and planned unit development (PUD) located at 429 Richmond Road in the Rural Residential 1 Zoning District. The applicant is proposing to sub-divide an undeveloped 8.47-acre parcel into two parcels. One parcel will be approximately 3.0 acres with a proposed 3-unit multi-family residential structure. The second parcel will be approximately 5.47 acres with a proposed 4-unit multi-family structure.
4. Other Business:
Hinesburg Center, LLC/David Lyman (Phase II): Decision deliberation for Sketch Plan application. Hearing closed on 2/7/17. Decision due by 3/24/17.
Catamount Malone/Hinesburg, LLC (Cheese Plant): Decision deliberations for Site Plan review and Conditional Use review (development in a stream buffer). Hearings closed on 2/7/17. Decisions due by 3/24/17.
Feb 25, 2025, 12 to 1:15 PM
Legislative UpdateFeb 25, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
SFM Winter Market in Historic Town HallMar 1, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM