This network hopes to foster interconnection, weave networks and coalesce with movement makers, however new or old, throughout the state.
Join us February 25th at the United Community Church
In St Johnsbury at 1:30pm to 3:30pm
1325 Main St, St Johnsbury, VT 05819
(snow date is March 4th)
All groups and individuals are welcome!
The Vermont Solidarity Network is for people who are interested in a broad solidarity movement in Vermont for human rights, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, non-violence, and peace. We welcome anyone looking to connect with others who share the above concerns and who are ready to do something, however small or however big, about it!
Display space for your organization or project will be available on request. For more information about this event and to learn about other actions, meetings, or issues that need to be raised up, please subscribe and send a message to:
Hope to see you there!