Gather to Support Green Burial at State House

Past event
Feb 14, 2017, 9:30 to 11 AM

Please come to the State House tomorrow morning in a show of support for Bill H.3. Bill H.3 would change the mandatory minimum burial depth in Vermont from "at least 5 feet" to "at least 3.5 feet." This change would make green burials and option for Vermonters by allowing the most rapid and efficient recycling of a body into the environment.

Bill H.3 was weighed by the House Committee for General, Housing, and Military affairs and passed unanimously. Tuesday will be the Bill's Second Reading: a chance for the rest of the members of The House to ask questions about the Bill, which will be represented by a member of the General Committee.

While the public can't testify with their voices at this event, they can make a statement by showing up. If you believe green burial should be an option in Vermont please gather in the State House lobby at 9:30am so that we can go in and be seated as a group. We will be acknowledged during the introductory remarks. Wear green for green burial. The session will start promptly at 10am.

If all goes well the next step will be a House vote and if that passes the Bill goes to the Senate. Please come if you can, and help spread the word so we can have a large group.

If you want to learn more about Bill H.3 you can visit:
Please direct all questions to

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