Green Drinks: Home Energy Efficiency

Past event
Feb 16, 2017, 5:30 to 7 PM

Green Drinks: Home Energy Efficiency
Thurs. Feb 16th 2017
At The Norman Williams Public Library,
10 The Green, Woodstock, VT 05091

Are you looking for meaningful ways to take action for the environment in 2017? There is so much that we can all and should all be doing to make our personal lives carbon neutral, and it all starts with REDUCING how much we consume. REDUCE> RECYCLE> REUSE. The best way to start reducing how much fossil fuels you consume is to reduce how much energy it takes to heat and cool your home. You can accomplish this by making your home more ENERGY EFFICIENT.

Sustainable Woodstock is committed to making our communities 100% carbon neutral and energy independent. Join us as the Sustainable Woodstock Energy
Action Group leads a discussion about ways that we can all take ACTION to live a more sustainable lifestyle. By having more energy efficient housing we can reduce how much we consume for heating, which saves us money, and helps slow down the effects of global warming.

Green Drinks are free and open to everyone. They are opportunities to network and learn about sustainability efforts in our area. Refreshments provided. Grab a copy of our newly completed Local Weatherization Guide. Learn a step by step process for weatherizing your home, discover different state and federal incentive programs, and get access to financing options for homeowners of all income levels.

See you all there!

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