Proposed Agenda Town of Plainfield Select Board Meeting Municipal Building, 149 Main Street October 28, 2013
7:00 pm Call to order Approve agenda Public comment and announcements
7:15 Town Clerk/Treasurer Report
7:30 Road Commissioner report - Park and Ride signs - Paving and pavement markings on Creamery and Brook
7:40 Discussion of latest Draft Town Plan
8:00 Recreation Field facilities maintenance
8:10 Update on abandoned trailer on Bean Road
8:15 Mill Street Park – signs and garbage container
8:20 Town Hall update
8:30 CSBG Bridge Study grant
8:40 Municipal Building renovation and repair
8:50 Approve minutes of 10/4 special meeting and 10/14 regular meeting
8:55 Agenda for November 12th meeting (note: it is on Tuesday, not Monday)
9:00 pm Adjourn