Bennington Catamount Rotary Clubs' Speech Competition

Past event
Mar 15, 2017, 7 PM

Rotary Four Way Test Speech Competition
Announcement February 1, 2017 with Entry Details Event March 15, 2017

Each year the Bennington and Catamount Rotary Clubs sponsor a speech competition for high school students based on the Rotary Four Way Test. The 2017 competition is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, 2017 with a snow date of March 16, 2017. The competition will be held in the CDC Assembly Room at 7:00 P.M.

We invite and urge students to participate. There’s never been a more urgent time or need for skilled speakers who can articulate ideas, especially showing how ethical behaviors contribute to a productive civil life, indeed a responsible representative democracy. Students will benefit from this experience (organizing ideas and presenting them to an audience) as they plan for post secondary experiences, and as they develop to successful adults. Attachments may be printed or emailed for distribution.

The contest is open to all high school aged students in the Southshire and Arlington, including home-schoolers and exchange students. Students are asked to deliver an unwritten speech, no less than 5 minutes and no longer than 7 minutes, applying the Rotary Four-Way Test to their personal life. The speech must relate to how all of the Four-Way Test questions apply to the student’s personal experience or how a segment of society has personally impacted the contestant and/or their peers while demonstrating its impact on their relationships with others.

Rotary Four Way Test for all we think, say, and do:
1-Is it the TRUTH?
2-Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4- Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

District 7870 Rules for 4 Way Test Speech Competitions
1. Subject: the speech must be original in content and apply the Rotary Four-Way Test (ALL FOUR QUESTIONS) in our everyday relationships with other people
2. Delivery: the speech may be given from memory. It should not be read, though adequate notes are acceptable
3. Length: the speech shall be no less than five (5) minutes nor more than seven (7) minutes in length or it is automatically disqualified

A panel of judges from the community will determine the winners and award prizes. Judges will consider content, organization, and delivery. Decision of the judges is final. First prize is an iPad, second $200, and third $100. All participants receive a certificate of participation. All contestants may be invited to participate in a WBTN and/or a CAT TV show following the competition. The top contestant is invited to the Rotary district semi-finals to present his/her speech at the Rotary District Conference, where the winner receives $700, with awards of $500 for second, $300 for third and $200 for fourth. This competition is scheduled for April 2, 2017 in Henniker, New Hampshire.

This is a unique opportunity for student voices. An application/entry form, helpful hints, and the judges’ scoring sheet are attached. Please feel free to copy and distribute. Entry forms, judges’ scoring sheet, an announcement letter, and helpful hints will also be posted online at or catamount rotary club runner. Applications (Entry Forms) must be submitted by end of day March 10th. These forms must be delivered by hand, mail, or emailed. The Bennington Bookshop or Hawkins House have blank application/entry forms and will collect them. Dan Lucy at Mt Anthony Union High School or Catherine McClure of the Bennington Rotary Club have applications/entry forms and will receive completed applications/entry forms.
Application forms will be dropped off at the Arlington HS Office and Library and at Grace Christian School in Bennington.

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