Nothing is required for this free Tong Ren Healing Class. Tong Ren is a form of healing using an Acupuncture doll and a hammer and each individual's symptom will be addressed by tapping on an acupuncture doll. Tong Ren works with the collective healing field and helps to unblock nerve channels in the body which in return increases the flow of life force or chi-energy in the entire body. The originator of this work Tom Tam has several large oriental healing institutes in Boston and works internationally as well as in 2 major Boston hospitals. You can find out more detailed information at or by calling the Oriental culture institute or by just coming and receiving healing at a free Tong Ren class. The class will be held as usual at 21 Independence Green in Montpelier of off Northfield rd. If you have questions call 802-223-3435
Jan 27, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
New 5-Week Art Class at Twin Valley Senior CenterJan 31, 2025, 2:30 to 4:30 PM
Author Event: Cultivating Space for a Meaningful 2025Jan 31, 2025, 5:30 PM