Chair Yoga

Past event
Feb 9, 2017, 10 to 11 AM


Yoga (a Sanskrit word) means wholeness and is the most complete exercise that many have experienced. Those who perform Yoga exercise regularly know how effective it is. It is relaxing, and stress reducing, and it improves your balance, flexibility, and muscle tone.
Please join us at the Lanpher Memorial Library on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. for Chair Yoga, beginning on Thursday, February 9. Judy Clark, who has been teaching Chair Yoga for years, is leading the Yoga exercise. This series will end April 6
Chair Yoga is performed primarily sitting in a chair, so is an exercise almost all are able to do. And, because of its effectiveness for the elderly, Chair Yoga is the perfect exercise. While Chair Yoga sessions can cost up to $100 for 5 sessions, these sessions are being provided free of charge through Lanpher Memorial Library and the Copley Foundation.
Please dress casually in loose clothing, and eat a light meal at least one hour prior to the session and bring some water to drink.
For more information and to sign up, you can call Judy Clark at 888-4864.

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