City Council Meeting Preview

Past event
Feb 6, 2017, 7 PM


The City Council has a meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 6, 2017 in Contois Auditorium. Our agenda is light with only two items on the deliberative agenda. The first item on our agenda is a revised ordinance amendment dealing with smoking in city parks. The proposed amendment would ban smoking and the use of tobacco substitutes in all city parks and community gardens but grants the director of parks and recreation the authority to designate specific areas within Oakledge, Waterfront, Battery, North Beach and Leddy Parks where smoking shall be permitted. This amendment is a compromise from the ban originally proposed and respects the rights of all parks users. I, and others on the Council, have worked hard on this issue and will be supporting the amendment. The second item on our deliberative agenda is a resolution appointing a task force to look at civilian oversight models of police departments to determine whether the responsibilities of the Police Commission should be revised.

Public form will held at 7:30. Further information on our agenda can be found on the City's website via board docs at:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Chip Mason

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