Two New / Returning Classes at Altus in Chelsea!

Past event
Feb 7, 2017, 6 to 7 PM

We are very happy to announce that David Masera's Tai Chi class will be resuming this coming Tuesday night, here at Altus in the Mascoma Bank building, in the upstairs movement studio, Chelsea, Vermont. It will held on subsequent Tuesday evenings, same time/same place until further notice. If you are interested in this class or have any questions please contact David at: 802-272-9247

And on Wednesday MORNINGS from 9:15 to 10:15 Kyle Barrett is offering a Yin Yoga class:
Yin yoga is for everyone, all bodies, all states of being. Yin yoga is a quiet, potent, passive practice ( no movement, practiced seated or lying down) with long stretches (3-5 minutes), in which we settle into subtle body tensions and practice deep breathing to offer deep tissues and fascial structures of the body an environment to release, creating opportunities for physical and emotional healing.
$10.00 a class
Contact Kyle:

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