Fundraiser for Addison County Parent/Child Center

Past event
Feb 4, 2017, 8 PM

After a four-month hiatus from performing, local band the Horse Traders is teaming up with Two Brothers Tavern and Drop-In Brewery for a fundraiser to benefit the Addison County Parent-Child Center on Saturday, February 4, from 8 p.m. until midnight. The night will feature the band’s wide range of music from modern pop and oldies to classic rock, soul, and country.

“We are happy to start 2017 with a benefit gig on behalf of the Parent-Child Center,” says band member Jon Rooney. “The organization has a long tradition of supporting young parents and children and is of great benefit to our community.”

The Parent-Child Center opened in 1980 in response to a shortage of quality child care and services for Addison County families with children under the age of three. Over the years the center has grown rapidly in size and scope and today serves almost 2,000 county residents by providing child care, parent education, play groups, job training, academic education, social services, and assistance in moving from welfare to work.

Of the event, co-owner of Two Brothers Holmes Jacobs says, “Two Brothers Tavern is very proud to partner with the Addison County Parent-Child Center. We are so impressed with their services, which include the support and education of thousands of area children, young adults, and families on so many levels. Their tireless help to strengthen our community is something that we are deeply appreciative of.”

Co-directors of the Parent-Child Center Donna Bailey and Sue Bloomer add, “Please join us. We cannot do the work we do without the support of our wonderful community. Thanks so much for the music of the Horse Traders, the Two Brothers establishment, Drop-In Brewery, and our board of directors. Come out for a good time and help families in need in our county.”

Proceeds from the door and 10 percent of Two Brothers’ sales for the evening will be donated to the Parent-Child Center. In addition, a 50/50 raffle will be offered with the winner being announced during the Horse Trader’s second break. The Horse Traders are Deb Brisson, vocals, Rick Marshall, guitar, Jon Rooney, vocals and guitar, Peter Ryan, bass, and John Wallace, drums.

For more information, go to

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