The Town of Fairfax in cooperation with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission is engaged in a Gateway Study to help it better envision and plan for future improvements to the arrival and experience of its designated Village Center.
Working through a Municipal Planning Grant from the VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development, the project has been active since last fall when “drones” were used to collect important image and 3D information within the study core. Last November the project sought input from the public on its ideas about arrival and movement during election day. Now the consulting team of SE Group has prepared a number of ideas on gateway signage, pedestrian space and wayfinding elements that is would like input from residents on.
The meeting will feature an overview presentation of the project, past public inputs and initial ideas! The public will then be asked to provide feedback and help interactively explore the information provided.
Light refreshments will be provided. Kids are welcome!
Jan 12, 2025, 8 to 10:30 AM
Birdfeeding BasicsJan 16, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
LetGoYourMindJan 18, 2025, 1 PM