Lamoille County Osher Lecture Wed.

Past event
Feb 1, 2017, 1:30 to 3 PM

Caroline Beer, a University of Vermont political science professor specializing in comparative politics and Latin American politics, will return to the Lamoille County Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) lectern on Wednesday, Feb 1 at the Town and Country Resort, 876 Mountain Road, Stowe to discuss the changing role of women in Latin American politics. Doors open at 1 p.m. and the lecture begins promptly at 1:30 p.m. There is a $5.00 fee for non-members.

How is it that in a region known for its machismo, six countries have had female presidents and in most countries in Latin America there are also far more women in the cabinet and legislature than we have in the United States?

Listen for weather cancellations on WDEV 550 AM or WLVB 93.9 FM or call the Town and Country Resort at 253-7595. If you’re interested in sponsoring a lecture, a series or refreshments for one of the coffee socials, call Dick Johannesen at 253- 8475.

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