Woodbury Library: Conversation Hour & Loon Talk

Past event
Jan 30, 2017, 5:30 to 8 PM

The Woodbury Community Library hosts an evening “Coffee, Cake, and Conversation” hour, Monday, January 30, 5:30-7 pm, to warm the midwinter, followed by a 7 pm slide presentation and discussion of “The Natural (and Unnatural) History of the Common Loon.” Eric Hanson, a biologist for the Vermont Loon Conservation Project, details the threats facing loons in Vermont, conservation actions undertaken to bring them back, and their amazing recovery over the past 25 years. Additionally, the evening explores the fascinating behavior and natural history of these beautiful birds, including new research on how loons find their territory and what is conveyed in the haunting yodel call. This evening is open to all and free to attend. Come either for cake or loon lore, or partake in both. The Woodbury Community Library is located behind the Woodbury Elementary School at 69 Valley Lake Road in Woodbury, VT. For more information contact the library at 472-5710 or woodbury@vals.state.vt.us. Inclement weather date February 13.

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