Hello Everyone!
The March in Montpelier and around the country and world really brought to light that women want to come together more than ever to fight for our equal place in this world. No matter what your political affiliation, as women we should always support each other's inalienable rights, stand together for the sake of bettering ourselves and our communities! We are powerful! Searching for Sisters is for everyone woman who has a skill to share or is looking to learn and grow amongst other women. We will be coming together on Wednesday 25 January at the Red Yurt in Jeffersonville, to create a space for our hearts and spirits to grow! Please join us from 6-7:30pm at. 16 Iris Lane. (Up 108 towards Smuggs) to meet and greet and get to know this progressive mental state called Searching for Sisters!
Donation suggested, but event is FREE!
Check out our facebook page..
Searching for Sisters
Please contact me for any details! Looking forward to spending some time with diverse and interesting women.