Searching for Sisters - a Women's Organization

Past event
Jan 25, 2017, 6 to 7:30 PM

The call is out!
We will be meeting for the first time next week, Wednesday 25 January, at the Red Yurt in Jeffersonville.
Address: 16 Iris Lane, Jeffersonville.
Time: 6pm - 7:30pm
Come and join us, and meet your local Sisters.
We will be introducing ourselves and learning about what Searching for Sisters is really about!

If you have something to share, an experience that helped you grow, are looking for a safe space to learn and be yourself, or even just to meet new people, please join us!
All women are welcome!

Pippa, from the Red Yurt will be in attendance and will guide us as we enter a sacred space for women and girls. Feel free to bring any literature or tools of your trade that you wish to share and educate the group with a short introduction.

Please email me back to RSVP, so that I have a rough estimate of attendance, and I can plan refreshments accordingly.
I look forward to meeting you all that have graciously given me your contact details to be included.
Parking will be available.
We suggest a donation of $5, although the event is FREE.

Please have a look at our facebook pages for Searching for Sisters

... And the Red Yurt and Sacred Circle School of Hooping Arts

We are coming together to empower Women and celebrate Sisterhood!
Join Us!
If you have any questions, please email me.
Thank you!

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