WWII Observation Posts in Springfield

Past event
Jan 21, 2017, 2 to 3 PM

The WWII Observation Posts in Springfield

“The WWII Observation Posts in Springfield” will be presented by Hugh Putnam on Saturday, January 21 at 2:00 pm at the Springfield Art and Historical Society, 65 Route 106, North Springfield.

Hugh Putnam has been researching Springfield’s World War II Observation Posts including reading the old Springfield Reporters to find out more about these posts. People have reported more posts than official records show, and two of these buildings still exist. Also, Dick Stevens has loaned the Society one of the actual logs used at the Skitchewaug site on the Stevens farm. Hugh’s analysis of the entries for a specific three month period shows the amazing dedication of the townspeople with regard to this effort. This will be a power point presentation of existing pictures and information and will also include a YouTube video interview with Dorothy Johnson, one of the actual observers in the old school bus post at the Dutton farm. He hopes people will come to the program and shed some additional light on this part of Springfield’s history.

The Society’s programs are free and open to the public. For more information call 802-886-8430 or email sahs@vermontel.net.

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