Cercle Francais Meets in Barre

Past event
Jan 11, 2017, 11 AM to 12 PM

The Barre Area Senior Center (in the EFWall complex on South Main Street in Barre) is offering a FREE 6-week French conversation group at 11 AM on Wednesdays through February 18th. Members and non-members are encouraged to attend these one-hour sessions led by Ellen Sholk of Barre Town. At our January 11th Cercle, we'll read a short article about the famous "madeleine" French pastries, as a starting point for our chat. There will some madeleines available to sample, too!

Come to as many sessions as you like. We hope to make this a continuing group. It's strictly for fun, and ALL LEVELS of fluency are welcome. Bring your ideas, humor, memories, recipes and articles to the Cercle de Francais on Wednesdays at BASC. Call BASC at 479-9512 for more information and to sign up for the group.

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