Rural Area Re-Zoning Vote Nov. 5

Past event
Nov 5, 2013

The Planning Commission states on their web page three basic objectives to the rule changes adopted by the Selectboard on September 9, 2013. They are summarized as follows: 1) allowing more use options; 2) Clarify the design standards; 3) offering objective density standards.

So what does this mean to you?

1) The new use options may be a gain for a few landowners, but they come with conditions that may well make them impractical.

2) The design standard changes clearly harm the landowner by limiting how or if you may use large portions of your land. There are areas of no use and on the rest of the land you must minimize your impact. You will still be confronted with satisfying the subjective judgment of the DRB and the clamor of you neighbors over any proposed division or use of your land.

3) If the rule changes are allowed to stand, they will have placed most of your land use decisions under firm town board control, so be a good citizen, shut up and pay your taxes. The vote to repeal the Selectboard changes is on November 5th and your taxes are due on November 15th. You may vote early by stopping by the Town Clerks office at your convenience. Mark the box “in favor of repealing the changes” to regain your property rights!

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