On December 24 at 5 p.m. at the Federated Church of East Arlington on Ice Pond Road come and celebrate Jesus' birth with beloved, carols, scripture, an interactive time for children and a Christmas message from the Rev. Kathy Clark. Special music will be offered by the Federated Church Choir under the direction and accompaniment of Mary Edwards, with a special solo piece from Patti Cody. This candlelit service will end with the arrival of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Then on Christmas morning at 10:00 a.m. the Sunday Service of Worship will include more carols and the Jesse Tree will provide the backdrop for the Service. Immediately after the Christmas Day Worship there will be fellowship in Bailey Hall with all attending invited to bring a goodie to share. Non-perishable food items for the Arlington Food Shelf continue to be gathered under the Christmas tree in the church through December 28. The Federated Church of East Arlington is a local church in covenant and connection with the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church. For additional information phone the church office at 802-375-2548, send an email to federatedchurch05250@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page.