December 17th, 10 – 2 Capital City Holiday Farmers Market
Montpelier City Hall, 39 Main St.
Come celebrate the Holidays with your neighborhood farmers this Saturday. Find a wide array of handmade crafts for gifts, and large selections of local meat and seasonal produce for your Holiday meals. There will be winter squash and root vegetables for your winter stews, organic apples, and fresh greens and organic microgreens.
Greenfield Highland Beef will be offering three kinds of oven roasts available for the Holiday--Rib Roast, Sirloin Roasts and Tenderloin Roasts. Mt. Mansfield Creamery will have all of its oldest batches of cheese available for sale this weekend. Moonlight Llamas has beautiful wool products that make great big or small gifts – from Wool Hats to Felted Soap or Repurposed Fur Coat Bears. Many vendors also offer gift cards, or you can give market tokens for your friends that support us every week!
This week’s Live Music (11:00 – 1:30) will be Anything Goes!
There will also be live cooking demos with NECI Chefs featuring our farmer’s seasonal offerings.
Thank you for supporting your farmers and neighbors all year long!
Mar 5, 2025, 4 to 7 PM
Ash Wednesday ServiceMar 5, 2025, 5 to 6 PM
Fly Tying ClassesMar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM