7 Live Steam Session lasts approx. 1/2 hr. and begins at the top of the hour. Sessiosn includes a 15 minute Introduction to the healing frequency that emanates through Braco's Gaze. It touches people around the world whether at a Live Event or a Live Streamed Event. Distance is not a limiting factor. The frequency of Braco's life-giving gaze accesses a quantum paradigm of unlimited potential for good, for healing, for help for our highest good to occur. The results, the fruits of Braco's work over the past 21 years, speak for themselves. The spiritual awakening and quickening is communicated beyond what can currently be measured by scientific equipment. Intellectually, it cannot be explained how health challenges and imbalances as well as misuse of our potential can be turned around, transformed, healed, erased. This has enabled thousands of individuals, families and communities to reclaim their freedom from heavy burdens, conflicts, untold suffering and limited beliefs.
This is an invitation to experience freedom to enjoy life to a fuller extent through an overflowing outpouring of goodness that flows through Braco. Braco lives out of the Silence into the Silence and touches the eternal core of Silence within each person. Touching the listening Silence, the core essence of another human being creates a portal of rest and deep meditative opening of the heart. Thousands of people stand together for 5 minutes in this state of unarmed defenselessness. Healings happen, wrongs are righted. How can an advanced stage of an illness suddenly be erased as if it never happened? Is this the outer manifestation that fulfills a promise of Heaven coming to Earth or does it lift people ?up to a spiritual reality beyond the level of problems and thoughts about problems? What peace reigns when human beings connect to God within where all things are again made possible? This invitation is timeless for there is a timeless zone
The 15 minute Introduction before Braco's 5 minute gaze, helps people prepare to receive the simplicity of Being. It helps open a life enhancing and life-saving paradigm that helps and heals.
This is my own attempt to put words to Braco's healing presence in connection to an awakening of spiritual consciousness, purpose and fulfillment for renewal, happiness and love. It can lead an individual to become more tolerant of differences to discover peace in diversity. Visit: www.Braco.me