"Where Soldiers Come From" Film Oct. 27

Past event
Oct 27, 2013

"Where Soldiers Come From" Sun. Oct 27, 5pm, at the Roxy in Burlington

I am posting this Peace & Justice Center event as one that I plan to attend.

"Where Soldiers Come From" is a documentary by Heather Courtney, telling of a 4 year journey of young people going off to the war in Afghanistan, and returning, forever changed.

"The film looks beyond the guns and policies of an ongoing war to tell a human story about family, friendship, and community and how they all change when young people go off to fight." and "haunting and compassionate"

For more info, here's the website: www.wheresoldierscomefrom.com -- 81% rating from Rotten Tomatoes

Tickets are free, (donations welcome!), but there is limited seating, so you have to get/reserve tickets - You can get them from Kyle 863-2345 x6 or kyle@pjcvt.org - or call Guthrie 434-8442, or email me (below).

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