Candle Light Vigil

Past event
Dec 14, 2016

Plans have been finalized to the Vigil of Remembrance this coming Wednesday, December 14. December 14 is the fourth anniversary of the loss of twenty young children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CN.

December 14, 2016
5:30 – 6:00 pm
In front of Burlington City Hall

We will gather outside of City Hall and light candles. Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger and Unitarian minister Reverend Mara Dowdall will be in attendance and will say a few words. The names of all those killed in Orlando in June will be read. We will also remember the most horrific mass killings since 1999 and will remember as importantly the 91 people who die on average each day from gun violence. To end the vigil, we will rededicate ourselves to reducing gun violence and list the ways that we can act.

Please try to be there for this very important GunSense Vermont sponsored event. We will have candles but if you have a small flashlight to bring as well, that would be helpful.


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