Your help is needed Saturday, Dec. 10 at 8:00 a.m. sharp, at the Tunbridge skating rink (behind Tunbridge Central School on Rt 110). We need as many hands as possible to help pull in the liner!
Yes, it is early BUT the Tunbridge Volunteer Fire Department will be there with water by 9:00 a.m., so we need to be ready. It would be good to have a handful of people who can stay and help while the rink is being filled, but the most critical thing is to have as many people as possible there right at 8:00 to pull in the liner. Many hands make light work!
Wear warm work clothes and warm, waterproof gloves and boots; bring a cordless drill with extra battery and a square drive bit if you can.
RSVP during the day on Friday if possible. We need a head count to be sure we have enough people to do this! Please call or text Seth at 614-208-3529, or Thornton at 802-236-9642.
Thank you very much for helping!