Kids Trade and Play is happening THIS Saturday, 9:30-11:30am
At the Capital City GRANGE, 6612 Rt12, Just over the Berlin border.
A community strong event where everyone benefits when we all show up.
Donations are not necessary, yet this is a great place to pass on that which you don't wear or play with anymore. Clean out the house, the toy chest and the closet before the gift giving session comes into full effect.
Hopefully, someone else will find your donation at the exchange and be able to pass it on as a gift to their loved one.
Clean, unripped, and non-stained donations please. Bring them all at the time of the exchange. We have sorters at the welcome and the goods will go right out for shopping.
Kathryn will be the lead this month. As we are home welcoming a new bundle of love that arrived on the 3rd.
Happy Holidays EVERYONE!