Dear Neighbors
Please join us for the 2nd Annual Barn Lighting and Sweet Pea & Friends Move-in Day at Moonrise Farm on Saturday, December 10th.
Enjoy Farmer John and Laddie the Sheepdog read Sweet Pea’s book, The SheepOver, and Finn’s book, Brave Little Finn. Have your pictures taken with your favorite animal character, ‘Sign the Barn Wall’ with a special message to Sweet Pea, Finn and all their friends. Enjoy the Holiday sing-along, and stay warm by the bonfire with some hot cider and a treat.
Festivities begin at 4:00 when Moonrise Farm opens. At 4:30, watch as Sweet Pea & Friends move in to the barn for the winter. The barn lighting will be at 4:45, and Farmer John will have Story Time in the barn from 5:00 – 6:00.
Don’t miss this FREE family-friendly event .
John and Jennifer Churchman
Moonrise Farm
15 Gray Way
Essex, Vermont
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