Fundraiser at American Flatbread

Past event
Dec 9, 2016, 5:30 to 9:30 PM

Everyone please put the fundraiser at American Flatbread this Friday, December 9th from 5:30 to 9:30 on your calendars. American Flatbread is generously sponsoring a benefit bake for the family of Lily Stllwell, 19, who was left with severe spinal injuries from a car accident in October. A portion of each flatbread sold will be donated to assist Lily's family remodel their house to accommodate her wheelchair, as well as many other expenses. Lily is currently rehabilitating @ Spaulding Rehabilitation Center in Massachusetts. Community members may also donate directly to Lily (Lindsey) Stilwell at the Northfield Savings Bank or Launch the holiday giving spirit by contributing to a needed cause - those healthy pies will freeze well for the winter months!

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