Strengthening Burlington Gun Laws

Past event
Oct 21, 2013, 6 to 7 PM

This Monday, October 21st, the Burlington City Council will be considering changes to the city's charter that will strengthen Burlington's gun laws.
They will be considering the following gun safety measures:

- Mandating Safe Firearm Storage
- Banning Deadly Weapons from Bars and Restaurants
- Requiring a Permit for Concealed Carry
- Enabling Law Enforcement to Temporarily Seize Firearms at a Domestic Violence Incident

It is very important that Burlington residents attend this meeting to speak out in favor of these measures,
so that they can be included on the citywide ballot in March. These are changes that will help make our community
and public spaces safer for residents and visitors.

Hope you'll plan to attend! Here are the details...

Monday, October 21st at 6:00 pm
Contois Auditorium
City Hall

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