We have over 110 gift items for your viewing pleasure at the Bixby Memorial Library for the Vergennes Holiday Stroll this coming Saturday. 284 Main St., Vergennes
Some still have NO BIDS
You may not be aware that 802 Performance gave a generous gift certificate, Silver Forest of Bellow Falls contributed earrings, other jewelry include beaded bracelets and a gold-colored fly fishing pin. Toddler clothing—slippers, hats, t-shirt. 5 bags of wood pellets (good as kitty litter, too), gift certificate for an hour massage, wine and pet treats, Bing & Grondahl Christmas plate. Using natural elements such as birch bark, cones, grasses & weeds and slate, Jeff Tweedy donated many beautiful hand-crafted mirrors, frames and wall décor. Of course, you can always bid on the other gift certificates and items all for the benefit of the Bixby. Don’t miss out on finding that one-of-a-kind gift for friends and family. See this week’s editions of the Addison Independent for a list of all donors.
Jan 10, 2025
Hard Scrabble at the Vergennes Opera HouseJan 11, 2025, 7:30 PM
Blood DriveJan 14, 2025, 12:30 AM to 5 PM