Vermont Symphony Orchestra Trio to Perform at Fletcher School
Fiddlesticks, the string trio of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, will perform at the Fletcher Elementary School on Monday, December 12, at 1:30 pm. The performance is free and the community is encouraged to attend.
The group’s appearance, part of the VSO’s statewide SymphonyKids education program, will feature the violin, viola, cello and string base. Works by several famous composers - including Mozart, Bartok, and Saint-Saens - will be performed and the musicians will discuss each instrument used and its role. The goal of the performance is to introduce children to the most important members of the symphony orchestra and to illustrate key concepts in classical music.
The SymphonyKids program reached over 26,000 Vermont students last year, with 278 performances in 175 schools. The VSO was founded in 1935 and encourages listeners and performers of all ages to appreciate music in all forms, with an emphasis on orchestral, choral and chamber music.