Pacem School Visting Day Nov. 30

Past event
Nov 30, 2016, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM

You’re Invited! Pacem School’s Fall visiting day

Are you curious what a day at Pacem is like? Are you wondering if our unique brand of creative education is for you? Come to our school visiting day at Pacem School on Wednesday November 30 from 10:30 – 12:30. Students can participate in our classes and activities and find out first-hand what it’s like to be part of our community. Parents, if they wish, can observe classes and also join the director for a discussion about our curriculum and philosophy. We are now enrolling for January classes, and this is a great opportunity to learn more!

Pacem is a state approved 6th – 12th grade school in Montpelier, and in addition, we offer classes and support for homeschoolers age 10 – 18. At Pacem students enjoy a supportive learning community that cherishes their unique gifts. Our outstanding faculty individualize each student’s education seeking to inspire innate students’ curiosity and maximize their potential. We hope you visit - we’d like to show you our school.

More information is available online at Please RSVP for this event by emailing

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