Hello Winooski neighbors,
Reminder - Our next meeting will be at our Town Hall at 6:30 pm this coming Tuesday.
Meeting 1 - was about fact findings. Our concerns were shared. Suggestions were given. We listened.
At our last meeting, more concrete decisions were taken. Follow-ups were made. Media building were set-up and implemented for communication between the groups and all of us.
To be more effective, the Winooski Neighborhood Watch (WNW) has split-up into 4 regional groups. For all this to work, it would be a good idea to stay in the loop of what's going on. If you want to sign-up for the Weaver and Central Winooski Neighborhood Watch, please e-mail our group to weavernhw@gmail.com. Please include the street name you live on, your name and your e-mail address. That's it! In turn, you will receive notification of our upcoming meetings - updates of what was discussed at the meetings.
For my part at this coming meeting, I have my thoughts of what I want to do about my immediate area, and who I need to meet to activate the next steps I am taking. It would be great, if you also brought along your ideas of what you want to do in your immediate area. This coming meeting is to brainstorm about what each one of us can do/contribute in each of our own areas.
At our last meeting, I was amazed at all the positive that happened in two weeks time. We are making a difference - already. Another thought - the police department is encouraged by our involvement, and we are privileged to have a police dept. behind us who is willing to loan us their help and resources. It's a win-win situation for our community.
Be safe and see you on Tuesday,
PJ Benoit
Weaver St and Central Winooski Neighborhood Watch
PS. Each drop of water in a bucket helps fill it.
Mar 8, 2025, 5:30 to 9 PM
Vermont Commons School Open HouseMar 9, 2025, 1 to 2 PM
Burlington Elks Lodge #916 BingoMar 10, 2025, 4:30 to 9:30 PM