Carousel School Board Meeting

Past event
Nov 29, 2016, 6 to 7 PM

School boards from all the Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union towns will meet on Tuesday, November 29, to vote on the budget for the Central Office for FY 2018. Minutes from the previous carousel meeting may be found at

For more information, please see the Woodbury Elementary School Board website at

This meeting will be held in the Woodbury School gym. As always, school board meetings are open, and the public is encouraged to attend. The next regular Elementary School Board meeting will be held Thursday, December 22, from 6-8pm in the Woodbury School library.

Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union
OSSU School Board
November 29, 2016
5:30-7:00 PM
Woodbury Elementary School Gym
(Light refreshments will be served from 5:30-6:00)

6:00 Call to Order
6:02 Approve Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016
6:05 Public Comment
6:15 Board Business-Action Items: Issues that require the Board to make a decision by vote.
Approve FY18 budget
Discussion items: Issues that the Board discusses and deliberate, but no action is taken at this meeting.
6:50 Items for next agenda
7:00 Adjourn

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