Dear Gardeners and their friends,
COME TO OUR GARDEN HARVEST PARTY! It's a pot luck and we'd appreciate food that represents fall harvest and anything that goes with that.
WHEN? Saturday, OCTOBER 26th at 5:30pm
WHERE? At the home of Helen Dechtiar, garden coordinator
84 Buell St, Condo #4 (Behind #86 along the driveway)
Near the Buell St. Neighborhood Garden
Call Helen at 802-660-8349 for directions
BRING FRIENDS interested in the garden.
PLEASE RSVP by e-mail or phone. We need to know how many people to plan for.
From 3pm to 5pm, there will be a work time together in the garden for those who still haven't done their final plot clean up of the season and for friends who would like to get some gardening experience or get to know the garden members and the garden.