The People's Health & Wellness Clinic is hosting a special "Sign Up Day" for the Vermont Health Connect tomorrow, Saturday, October 19 from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Certified Navigators are on site to provide face-to-face assistance to help people understand and select a health insurance plan that fits their needs and budget. Call 479-1229 for an appointment - there are still slots available.
While Saturday is a special sign up day, People's Health & Wellness Clinic has a corps of certified Navigators and always has one or more on site during every business day and during its evening clinics. Again, call 479-1229 for an appointment.
Remember, all Vermonters are required to have health insurance by January 1. Get ahead of the crowd and start early. Plans need to be selected and your first premium (if one is required) must be paid by December 15 in order to ensure coverage on January 1.