Ethan Allen Homestead Museum 3rd Sunday Lecture!

Past event
Nov 20, 2016, 2 to 3 PM

“Patriotic Dissent or Treason in the Green Mountains: Vermonters and the War of 1812" – Dr. Rowland Brucken

Norwich history professor Dr. Rowland Brucken will explain why and how many prominent Vermonters passionately opposed America's entry into the War of 1812, with relevance to today's debate over issues of dissent, free speech, and patriotism during wartime."

Please join us for what promises to be a most provocative program which might give us insight into how we handle dissent in peacetime as well as wartime.

Note the 2:00 start as we begin our winter schedule.

For more information please contact John Devino: E-mail:

Phone: (802) 863-5403

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