Lamoille County Conservation District’s 22nd Annual Harvest Banquet
Our banquet is on Thursday, October 24th.
Families can join in a social and children’s activities from 5:30-6:00pm. We will lave a presentation of district activities and an awards ceremony beginning at 6:00. We are pleased to honor in memorium, Pete Lanphear with the creation of the Pete Lanphear Volunteer of the Year Award. This years recipients will be Emma Lodge and Megan Grover. A harvest dinner will be provided by the Just Delicious Catering at 7:00pm. Dinner cost is $13/adults, $6/children ages 5-12, Free/children under 4. Dinner Reservations are required by Monday, October 21st. For more information and to make Dinner Reservations please email Kim Komer ( or phone Michelle Gudorf at 586-7589.