GMAD 30th Anniversary Gala Nov. 16

Past event
Nov 16, 2013

On Saturday November 16, at the Doubletree Hotel's Garden Ballroom in South Burlington, Green Mountain Animal Defenders will be hosting a Gala Event to celebrate 30 years of "helping to protect the well-being of all animals". Our guest speakers will be noted Vermont author Chris Bohjalian and the President of the Humane Society of the United States, Wayne Pacelle. In addition to a delicious vegan buffet dinner, we will be holding a silent auction fundraiser that includes such items as: Smugglers Notch Bash Badge, original artwork by Robin Kent, Craig Mooney, Rachel Laundon and Yellow Dog Art, gift certificates to some of Vermont's finest restaurants, gift baskets from Seventh Generation, Healthy Living and City Market, lift tickets to Stowe Mountain, designer dog beds by Rags and Riches, dog treats by Andy's Dandys, handcrafted birdhouse, signed artwork and books by Harry Bliss and beautiful wildlife photos by CJ Hockett to name just a few items!!!! Come and join the fun, help Vermont's animals and do some holiday shopping at the same time. For more information go to: or write to

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