A Murder Mystery Musical, Curtains is parody of 1950s "whodunnit" theater mysteries, where a lone detective, Lieutenant Frank Cioffi, investigates a series of murders that take place place behind the scenes of a fictional 1950s cowboy musical, Robbin' Hood. With the mysterious death of the shows leading lady, a hilarious crew of production managers, directors, and actors, and a blossoming romance, "Curtains!" is sure to be a bundle of laughs! Admission in $12 for adults and $8 for Students(18 and under) and Senior Citizens. Tickets sold at the door, or in the Maine Office of Burlington High School from 8am-4pm everyday. Tickets also sold in the BHS cafeteria during all 3 lunches. Come Support the Burlington Drama Club!
Jan 11 to 17, 2025
Disability Support Group at Pathways Community CenterJan 13, 2025, 1:15 to 2:15 PM
Fly Casting Demonstration and More!Jan 14, 2025, 7 to 9 PM