Children's Vision Screening at Royalton Library Nov. 19

Past event
Nov 19, 2016, 10:30 to 11:30 AM

Children's Vision Screening @ Royalton Memorial Library
provided by the Heartland Lions Club (Royalton / Sharon / Tunbridge)
Saturday, November 19
10:30 a.m.

The LIONS Early Childhood Vision Screening Project is a FREE vision screening program to identify treatable or preventable causes of blindness in young children. All ages are welcome and vision screening is as fast and easy as taking a picture. Children must be able to focus on a flashing light on the PediaVision camera for the screening to work.

The first few years of a child's life are critical to the development of normal vision. A child with vision problems often does not realize that the way she sees the world is not the way everyone else sees it. Vision abnormalities in a child's eyes may occur even when the eye appears to look normal. When detected and treated in early childhood, 95% of early vision problems can be corrected.

For more information call (802) 763-7094 or email

Royalton Memorial Library
23 Alexander Place
South Royalton

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