Two Workshops on Sustainable Living at the Walkover Gallery

Past event
Nov 6, 2013, 6:30 to 9 PM

Two Workshops on Sustainable Living at the Walkover Gallery with ecological planner and designer Lily Jacobson sponsored by the Willowell Foundation -

Weds, Nov 6, 6:30-9 PM: Introduction to Permaculture & Ecological Design
Weds, Nov 13, 7-9 PM: Introduction to Intentional Communities
Walkover Gallery, 15 Main St, Bristol
Cost: $10 if you RSVP to at least 24 hrs in advance. $12 at the door. Refreshments served.

Introduction to Permaculture & Ecological Design
What is ecological design? How could it help you reduce your carbon footprint, make a positive impact on the ecosystem, save money, and live a more fulfilling life? Explore these questions and learn about some of the ways in which sustainable design is being used all over the world, from backyard homesteads to innovative regional planning, from alternative wastewater treatment to community food forest gardens.

Introduction to Intentional Communities
Throughout most of human history, people have lived in closely connected tribes, bands, villages, and other communities. While single-family homes are the norm in our culture, there is a strong and fascinating tradition of people choosing to live together or make their lives together, a tradition that is alive and well and that connects with a global communities movement. This talk will introduce some of the types of communities currently in use, like ecovillages, cohousing, communes, and co-ops. We'll also discuss some of the current intentional communities in Vermont and New England.


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