Movies and Crostics at the Jaquith!

Past event
Nov 16, 2016, 7 PM

Moving Pictures: Films about Immigration
Wednesday, November 16 at 7 p.m.

Sorry I can't post the title here! (1990) Life among the Lakota in the early days of the invasion of their country by American immigrants who truly threaten their lives and culture. Directed by Kevin Costner, this winner of 7 academy awards, including best picture, is best on a big screen.

"Crostic" talk and Community Puzzle Construction with Rick Winston
Friday, November 18 at 7 p.m.

Anyone interested in words, games, and puzzles will have a treat coming up at the Jaquith Library. Rick Winston, who has been constructing twice-a-month “double acrostic” puzzles for the Times-Argus for ten years, will host a Community Puzzle Construction at the Jaquith on Crostic puzzles are related to crosswords in that they both involve answering clues. However, the final result of an acrostic puzzle is the uncovering a quote from a book. The first letter of each clue answer, read down, will spell out the name of the author and the title of the book. Rick will talk about the history of these puzzles and how they are constructed, with tips on how to solve them; then the group will all construct one from scratch, to be published in the Times-Argus in December. Admission is free.

More information? Call 426-3581 or visit our website at

The Jaquith Library is housed in the Old Schoolhouse Common, just off Rte. 2 in Marshfield Village.

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