Mental Health First Aid Training Nov. 12

Past event
Nov 12, 2016, 8:30 AM to 5 PM

Not sure how to respond with a client, family member, or community member in distress? Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based training course designed to give members of the public key skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. This 8-hour course covers a range of common disorders and potential crises such as helping someone who is having a panic attack, contemplating suicide or struggling with substance abuse. Participants will learn how to support someone until the appropriate professional resource is able to take over.

Presented by the Clara Martin Center. Class takes place at the Randolph Technical Career Center, with instructor Kristen Briggs. There will be a break for lunch. $30 course fee.

Register at or call (802) 728-4241.

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