Spooktastic Halloween Party with Ru12? Oct. 30

Past event
Oct 30, 2013, 4 to 7 PM

The RU12? Community Center's LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer/Questioning and Allied) Family Program would like to invite you to a spooktastic Halloween Party! Bring your favorite costumed young'uns (kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbors) to celebrate "Fiend Day" at RU12? Community Center's spoooooky Haunted Office Party!

Who: LGBTQ-identified and Allied families with and without kids and "kids" of all ages.
Where: RU12? Community Center, 255 S. Champlain Street, Ste. 12 (next to Mercy Connections, CVOEO and Seven Days), Burlington
When: Wednesday, October 30, 4-7pm
What: Many tricks and treats to be had, including light refreshments, music, dancing, games, crafts, face painting and a costume parade! Drop by at any point between 4 and 7pm.

For more information: Contact Jean at RU12? (802.860.7812) or email jean@ru12.org.

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